What does 'somatic' actually mean?

Somatic healing, somatic training, somatic therapy, somatic weight loss… it seems like the new buzz word of 2024 is Somatics. But what does this word actually mean?  

The general definition of Somatic is “related to or affecting the body”. But how is this approach (through the body) actually being holistically integrated with other types of wellness and health? I see so many disconnects in practice and explanation when suddenly the word somatic is used as a soul descriptor or perspective. In my opinion there are so many other layers of discovery and restoration that are to be considered when employing somatics as a means of healing.

Here are a few that come to mind immediately, and ones that I try to include in all my sessions:

  1. Embodiment or Re-embodiment; you might be doing the practices, movements, or exercises, but are you present and aware of what is happening in your body as you do them?

  2. Nurturing Trust; are you able to nurture trust of self, including between what your brain is telling your body and what your body is telling your brain?

  3. Resourcing; I will get more into the importance of this one next week, but what are the supporting grounding tools that you have at your disposal in times of need and during somatic shifts?

  4. Memory, Imagery, and Clarity; how is your brain engaging with the somatic methods that are being provided?

  5. Emotions; does your emotional body have a seat at the table and a voice amongst your physical and cognitive body?

  6. Parts; are their parts of you that are needing to be heard or inner dialogue that needs to be listened to and unravelled?

  7. Offering compassion; reminders that somatic work is a practice and one that needs time to integrate and settle in your whole being (not only your body).

Somatic work and therapy is not only about the body. It is a holistic approach to all aspects of living and health that cannot be a one and done deal of learning an exercise and hoping it serves you in the moment you need it.

The invitation is to read between the lines when this word is used and really look to see if any of the above aspects are being utilized in what it is that is being offered. I know that I will continue to take a closer look at how this word continues to evolve and be used in both my own practices and beyond.


Resourcing in Somatic Therapy


Nervous System and Anxiety